
Social Bookmarking - Get Noticed Where It Matters

Social bookmarking is the latest in a vast array of tools used for promoting Motorcycle Helmet a website. Social bookmarking, done the right way, is a powerful tool for free web promotion. It can get your site promoted among niche communities. Social Bookmarking vs. Search Engine MarketingSocial bookmarking is more relevant than search engines if you are looking at quick promotion of sites. Search engines track a site over a period of months; and they have highly variable algorithms for ranking websites. You may have to work on your site for weeks before you get results. What is more, the results may not be what you intended. You may get ranked high for a keyword you don’t want to be associated with and get low rankings for a preferred keyword. Social bookmarking is related to search engines, because your site will be picked air swimmers up by search engines once you have submitted it to a social bookmarking site. However, it is different from directly submitting to search engines, because it is quicker and gets you a highly targeted audience. Advantages of Social BookmarkingSome of the advantages of social bookmarking are:1.Speed - They are faster than search engines in getting your site listed. 2.No reciprocal links - You are featured on many websites relevant to your target readership. And you don’t have to return the favor. 3.No spam - Because users on social networking sites are registered, there is a lesser chance of being spammed. What Exactly Is Social Bookmarking?Social bookmarking involves tagging websites and saving these bookmarks on a site created for the purpose. If your website is tagged with the relevant keywords, you can expect high traffic on your site from the social bookmarking site. If they like your site, they will link to it from their own site, blog, or forums. This kind of publicity, generated through recommendations from members of a community themselves, can propel your site to the top rank among similar sites. How to Select Social Bookmarking ServiceThere are enough social bookmarking experts out there for you to be spoilt for choice. Before you select a particular SEO, ask if they:1.Can tell you exactly which social bookmarking sites they would be submitting your site to2.Submit a monthly progress report, including links where they submitted your site3.Submit URLs manually rather than through automated programsCostThe cost of social bookmarking service varies considerably. In general, it depends on two factors:1.Number of social bookmarking sites you submit your URL to2.Time given for submitting URL to all sitesSocial bookmarking is an extremely effective tool. Therefore, you need to make sure only experienced web developers with a proven track record in internet marketing and social bookmarking are given the task of presenting your virtual front to millions of social bookmarking site users. Social bookmarking is an integral part of any web based PR or SEO effort.

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